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Module 1: Introduction to Python 
- Introduction to programming and Python 
- Installing Python and setting up the development environment 
- Basic Python syntax and programming conventions 
- Running Python programs and using the interactive shell

Module 2: Variables and Data Types 
- Understanding variables and data types 
- Working with numbers, strings, and booleans 
- Type conversion and type casting 
- Basic input and output operations

Module 3: Control Flow 
- Conditional statements (if, else, elif) 
- Looping structures (while, for) 
- Using break and continue statements 
- Understanding indentation and code blocks

Module 4: Lists and Tuples 
- Introduction to sequences in Python 
- Creating and manipulating lists 
- Working with tuples and their immutability 
- List slicing and indexing

Module 5: Dictionaries and Sets 
- Working with dictionaries and key-value pairs 
- Using sets for unique elements and set operations

Module 6: Functions 
- Defining and calling functions 
- Function arguments and return values 
- Scope and lifetime of variables

Module 7: File Handling 
- Reading from and writing to files 
- Working with text and binary files 
- Exception handling for file operations

Module 8: Modules and Packages 
- Creating and using modules 
- Organizing code with packages 
- Exploring the Python Standard Library

Module 9: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) 
- Understanding OOP concepts (classes, objects, attributes, methods) 
- Creating classes and objects in Python 
- Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism

Module 10: Introduction to Python Libraries 
- An overview of popular Python libraries (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib) 
- Understanding their applications and use cases

Note: The course structure may vary depending on the duration and depth of the course. Additionally, hands-on exercises, mini-projects, and quizzes can be integrated into each module to enhance practical learning and reinforce theoretical concepts. This structured module-wise approach ensures that learners grasp the fundamentals of Python programming gradually and comprehensively. 
