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Module 1: Advanced Data Structures 
- Stacks, Queues, and Heaps 
- Advanced usage of lists and tuples 
- Custom implementation of data structures

Module 2: Decorators and Generators 
- Understanding decorators and their applications 
- Writing custom decorators 
- Exploring generator functions and the yield statement 
- Use cases for generators in memory-efficient programming

Module 3: Exception Handling and Debugging 
- Advanced exception handling techniques 
- Debugging Python programs with pdb 
- Logging and error handling best practices

Module 4: Functional Programming 
- Concepts of functional programming 
- Higher-order functions and lambda expressions 
- Map, filter, and reduce functions 
- List comprehensions and generator expressions

Module 5: Threading and Multiprocessing 
- Introduction to concurrent programming 
- Working with threads using the threading module 
- Utilizing multiprocessing for parallel processing 
- Synchronization and communication between threads/processes

Module 6: Asynchronous Programming 
- Understanding asynchronous programming in Python 
- Using async/await for asynchronous I/O operations 
- Working with asyncio and aiohttp for asynchronous networking

Module 7: Regular Expressions 
- Introduction to regular expressions 
- Pattern matching and substitution 
- Advanced regex concepts and techniques

Module 8: Database Connectivity 
- Connecting Python to various databases (e.g., SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL) 
- Performing database operations using Python 
- Introduction to Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) with frameworks like SQLAlchemy

Module 9: Web Scraping 
- Understanding web scraping and its legal implications 
- Working with Beautiful Soup and Requests libraries 
- Handling dynamic websites with Selenium

Module 10: Advanced Python Libraries 
- Exploring advanced usage of NumPy and Pandas 
- Data manipulation and analysis with Pandas 
- Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn 
- Machine learning with scikit-learn

Module 11: Python Best Practices and Performance Optimization 
- Writing efficient Python code 
- Profiling and optimizing performance bottlenecks 
- Following Python coding standards and guidelines

Module 12: Building and Packaging Python Applications 
- Creating standalone Python applications 
- Building and distributing Python packages 
- Virtual environments and dependency management

Note: The course structure mentioned above is designed to cover a broad range of advanced topics in Python programming. Depending on the course's duration and depth, instructors may choose to emphasize specific modules or add additional content to suit the learners' needs. Practical projects and hands-on assignments can be integrated into each module to ensure a well-rounded learning experience. 
